PREPARE to be amazed, amused and maybe slightly revolted as Dr Haze’s Freak Show is making its debut at Welland Steam and Country Rally featuring acts from the infamous Circus of Horrors!
Housed in the stunning Grand Palace of Entertainment which is the only travelling theatre of its kind left in the world. Designed and built to the specifications of 19th century travelling theatres, it provides an opulent and vintage setting, perfect for this unique brand of freaky entertainment.
Reclaiming the freak show from the clutches of those who demand political correctness, among the human rarities performing at Welland Steam Rally this year are the human pin cushion Hannibal Hellmuerto and Anastasia IV, the husband and wife sword swallower and blade walker; and Electric Boy who has 300,000 vaults pumped through his body, plus a whole host of sideshow showgirls as well as Voodoo acrobats.
London’s Time Out once quoted ‘Barnum would be proud’ when describing Dr Haze and The Circus of Horrors.
This year the cast intend to perform even more shows and bring an even bigger and more shocking extravaganza in honour of it’s creator Dr Haze who sadly passed away after fighting a brave battle with cancer.
The Show Must Go On – and Welland Steam and Country Rally are in for one hell of a treat!
Dates: 28th to 30th of July